Blog / Technical

Is it possible to install Revonia modules in the wintertime?

As the first snowflakes hit the ground and Christmas is countable by days, the question arises – is it possible to install Revonia cellars and modules in the wintertime when the ground is frozen? ❄️

The short answer is – yes.

In fact, it is even recommended, for the reason that, due to the ground being rock-solid – the heavy truck carrying the even heavier modules does not sink into the ground.

Thus keeping the esthetical integrity of the landscape and allowing installation on even moist soil, where it is impossible to maneuver heavy equipment during the warmer weather.

Our solution is also the most convenient form of building a cellar during the cold weather, as we pour the concrete in our controlled environment, which ensures the best constructional results. We also complete most of the interior finish of the modules in warm, indoor conditions. This means when the cellar reaches the client it is immediately ready for installation and therefore can, in most cases, be done in a single day, allowing it to be even used the next day.

To get started – call us and come for a consultation.