The Estonian company Revonia, which has been operating for over 10 years and mainly produced traditional earth cellars and cave saunas, signed one of the largest orders for modular houses in recent times with the Finnish resort Kaamos Lodge.
By the end of 2025, 80 concrete modular houses will be installed in the resort that is located on the side of the Aavasaksa mountain on the border of Finland and Sweden. All houses have a floor area of ​​30 m² and weigh 40 tons when finished.
The transaction is made unique by the fact that it is probably the most energy-efficient houses in Estonia, which are made of reinforced concrete modules, and which will be located under a one-meter-thick layer of soil. The houses arrive at the site fully finished, and the installation of one house takes only a few hours.
The total cost of the project is 6 million euros.
Johan Väisänen, CEO of the company Explore the North, which managed the transaction on behalf of Finland, answered the question of why the Estonian company Revonia and underground houses was chosen, the answer was as follows: “For us Finns, finding a manufacturer of a cabin house (Finnish traditional small houses) close to our hearts has not been easy. The requirements were that the quality should be high, the houses should be beautiful and have a unique appearance, the installation should be fast, and the subsequent use should be effortless and energy-efficient. We considered the most important fact that the houses would be durable and that we would be able to deal with business activities, not repairing houses. After spending a few nights in the Revonia model house, the choice was clear.”
Revonia OÃœ’s sales manager Helar Laur commented on the transaction as follows: “It is good to see that the production of our Modular standard houses has started smoothly and that, in addition to business customers, our houses have also proved popular among private customers. The negotiations took less than two years, and we reached the goal thanks to a professional team. We will start producing houses in our production units in Harku and Vääna, and regular private customer orders are not affected by this. The increase in work volumes has been taken into account.”
Revonia’s CEO Rauno Oja commented on the transaction: “Compared to the order from Finland a few years ago, when we produced 33 cabin modular houses, this time the whole process was definitely more familiar and, because of that, faster. The already protected industrial design solutions, experience with transport and installation, and a number of good references to present during the sales process came in handy from previous experiences. The forecast to produce and install 40-50 new underground homes during the year 2024 has been beautifully exceeded.”
Postimees: Betoonist koobasmaju ehitav Revonia sai Soomest miljonilepingu
Geenius: Revonia toodab Soome puhkekeskusele 80 betoonist majakest
Äripäev: Revonia sai moodulmajade tellimuse Soome puhkekeskuselt